Dehiscence: The Pleasure of Publishing
Chandan Bandyopadhyay
The editors at Dehiscence had a meeting at the JU campus in late February 2019 wherein we converged in: We have miles to go in search of happiness. Pleasure is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of travelling. The editors at Dehiscence are often asked: Why should I submit my best work to Dehiscence? This is not surprising because it is human nature to be wary of anything new and changing. Another frequent question is ‘Where is the bar for a blog named Dehiscence?’ This question has its origins in our collective experience of trying to publish in journals that become very exclusive in the days when print and distribution costs limited the number of papers and pages that journals could publish. Here we prefer to explain what we think makes a paper suitable for Dehiscence.
For us, the ideal Dehiscence - a blog, presents an accurate narrative that makes other in the field think differently and moves the field forward. Dehiscence should give the reader the pleasure of reading about elegant or intelligent experiments, of learning something new, of being challenged to think about their subject in a new way, or of seeing a particularly stunning image that has meaning because it shows some of the secrets of life.
Our goal is to publish creative works that our readers and editors find authoritative, demonstrative, insightful, enlightening or just nothing but amicable. Of course, pleasure is in the mindset of the beholder, and ideas about what is pleasurable can change over time.
PC: Chandan Bandyopadhyay